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DVD’s I Bought This Week: June 16th


Rob Hunter loves movies. He also loves betting on the ponies. These two joys come together in the form of cash money payments that he receives every week and immediately uses to buy more DVDs.

Culture Warrior: Kubrick’s ‘2001’ vs. Tarkovsky’s ‘Solaris’


With the weekend’s release of the much-celebrated sci-fi indie Moon, Culture Warrior compares and contrasts two classic films of the genre made by two essential filmmakers.

DVD’s I Bought This Week: June 9th


Rob Hunter loves movies. He also loves working as a professional hitman who targets women and children only because movies and books tell him they’re an untapped niche market. These two joys come together in the form of cash money payments that he receives every week and immediately uses to buy more DVD’s.

Culture Warrior: ‘Up’ and Pixar’s Cinema of Attractions


Now that everyone and their talking dog has seen Up, it’s time to look at its context within film history and in the legacy of Pixar.

DVD’s I Bought This Week: June 2nd


Rob Hunter loves movies. He also loves signing up for random medical trials and psychological experiments. These two joys come together in the form of cash money payments that he receives every week and immediately uses to buy more DVD’s.

Culture Warrior: Change, Stasis, and Predictability in Hollywood


This week, Culture Warrior gets personal as he covers why Hollywood and its characters always seem to be the same but different.

DVD’s I Bought This Week: May 19th


Rob Hunter loves movies. He also loves taking pictures of people in uncompromising positions and situations. These two joys come together in the form of blackmail payments that he receives every week and immediately uses to buy more DVD’s. So join us each week as Rob takes a look at new DVD releases and gives his highly unqualified opinion as to which titles are worth BUYing, which are better off as RENTals, and which should be AVOIDed at all costs.

Culture Warrior: The Book Was Better…


With this weekend’s release of Angels & Demons, Culture Warrior looks at what types of books make good movies and why.

DVD’s I Bought This Week: May 12th


TV shows dominate the DVD column this week along with a pissed off Irishman, an eerie Ann Hathaway, unnecessary sequels, and a Norwegian parody of a Tarantino film!