Shot by Shot with ‘The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance’ Trailer

Revisit Thra in the new trailer for 'The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.'
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Aughra is alone in her lab with her eyes closed until they dramatically open in a closeup. Voiced by Frank Oz in the original, this Aughra will be voiced by Donna Kimball.

Yet another familiar face! Fizzgig! The fluffball is Kira’s sidekick in the film and his return, or at least others of his species, is a fun callback.

Aughra’s voiceover continues, promising good will come as Deet teams up with at least one other Gelfling.

But, she warns, along with the good comes the inevitable bad, and the hopeful image of a team of Gelflings is quickly replaced by a gaudy and disgusting Skeksi feast. They cut into large creatures and slurp down food, all the while cackling maniacally.

Aughra’s voiceover ends and we return to the quick montage style featuring a score rising in intensity. An aerial shot shows Thra’s vast beauty once again.

A high-speed chase tears through the jungle, with a menacing Skeksi leering over the side of his vehicle.

The final flash of montage reveals the Skeksi’s evil rituals in action. They organize around the Dark Crystal and take in its power.

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Kristen Reid: Film student and serial binge watcher. Daughter of Mother Suspiriorum.