Shot by Shot with the ‘Birds of Prey’ Trailer

Harley Quinn doesn't need the Joker.
Birds Of Prey Featured

The following scenes show the team embarking on their individual journeys and looking for a fresh start. Black Canary performs on stage, but she’s being observed by an unknown man who’s probably dangerous. Renee, meanwhile, has emptied her desk and is walking out of a police station. Finally, Huntress points her crossbow at Harley in an alleyway.

Cut to Roman Sionis (aka Black Mask) in a warehouse, giving a speech to the women he’s kidnapped. In the comics, he’s a crime lord who takes great pleasure in torturing people. He appears to be the same way in this movie.

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Kieran Fisher: Kieran is a Contributor to the website you're currently reading. He also loves the movie Varsity Blues.