The Ultimate Video Essay Guide to Wes Anderson

There goes your productivity.

There goes your productivity.

There are few filmmakers who capture our fancy as does Wes Anderson. Like Jacques Tati, Tim Burton, and even David Lynch, Anderson doesn’t just make films, he makes entire, self-contained worlds that are wholly unique to him, complete with a narrative style and visual aesthetic that is as playful as it is emotional, light-hearted as it is severe, and abstract as it is concrete.

From Bottle Rocket to The Grand Budapest Hotel, with every new film he releases Anderson becomes more of himself, like a fine whisky the older he gets the more distilled he becomes, working down to a pure essence that can only be described as Anderson-esque.

As such, Anderson is a director who attracts a lot of interpretation and dissection. From his penchant for symmetrical cinematography, to his elaborate production design and costuming, to his fable-like narratives, video essayists are forever delving into the cinematic landscapes of Wes Anderson, and here, in one place, are a dozen of the best I’ve seen to-date. I can promise you if you make your way through all of them you’ll be the most informed Anderson fan you know.

The Childhood Whimsy of Wes Anderson 

The Wild and Wacky Set Designs of Wes Anderson 

The Fantastic Wes Anderson 

Windows are the Eyes of Wes Anderson’s Cinema 

Moonrise Kingdom – Where Story Meets Style 

The Vertical Symmetry of Wes Anderson 

Wes Anderson: The Influences and References

Shades of Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson’s Violence 

The Sounds of Wes Anderson 

Wes Anderson and Stanley Kubrick: A Style Comparison 

Red & Yellow: A Wes Anderson Supercut

H. Perry Horton: Novelist, Screenwriter, Video Essayist