Shot by Shot with the ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Trailer

Producer James Cameron returns and he's bringing Linda Hamilton with him.

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The endoskeleton makes a run for Grace and Ramos. Now you see him.

Now you don’t. BOOM.

In a dumpy motel, Grace asks Sarah, “Who are you?” Sarah tilts her head. How much time do you got?

The subtitle, Dark Fate, is a direct reference to a letter from future-messiah John Connor delivered to his mother Sarah courtesy of time-displaced soldier Kyle Reese. The son’s words dug into Sarah’s skull and haunted her in the sequel, “Thank you, Sarah, for your courage through the dark years. I can’t help you with what you must soon face except to say that the future is not set. You must be stronger than you imagine you can be. You must survive, or I will never exist.” The only problem with that sentiment? For the franchise to thrive, some form of that future must be set. There is no escape for Sarah Connor. She’s doomed to endless battle. Dani Ramos better be taking notes.

The trailer grinds the action to a halt to calm fans of their fears regarding the neverending cycle of mediocre-to-terrible sequels. Don’t worry guys, James Cameron is back. How much cache does that name still have with this franchise? Remember, this guy also said that Terminator: Genisys was “the third film” igniting a “renaissance” for the series. Now, he’s saying that he thinks of Terminator: Dark Fate as the “direct sequel” to T2. He did contribute to the story this time around, along with Charles H. Eglee, Josh Friedman, David S. Goyer, Billy Ray, and Justin Rhodes. That’s a lot of cooks to get this one right. Fingers crossed.

With Sarah Connor by their side, Grace and Dani drive further into the heart of Mexico. They’re on a mission to find an old friend. Not sure what he can do that Sarah Connor can not. We love Arnie, but Dark Fate is already busting at the seams with badasses.

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Brad Gullickson: Brad Gullickson is a Weekly Columnist for Film School Rejects and Senior Curator for One Perfect Shot. When not rambling about movies here, he's rambling about comics as the co-host of Comic Book Couples Counseling. Hunt him down on Twitter: @MouthDork. (He/Him)