
Yes, we also cover plenty of movie and TV industry news. But we always try to infuse our news aggregation with insightful commentary, unique perspective, and the same irreverent spirit that has made FSR the publication it is today.

Presently, we are the host to several excellent recurring columns that cover current events:

Browse the latest news below

Talking Points: WB Goes Blu-ray; Is the Format War Over?


We’ve all seen the news that WB has gone Blu-ray exclusive. But is it going to be the death of HD-DVD?

Jon Favreau Interested in Directing an Avengers Movie


Marvel has plans to bring The Avengers together, and Jon Favreau says “Bring it on!”

New Year, New Design for Film School Rejects!


As you can probably tell, we’ve made a few changes. Now we want to hear what you think of our new design…

Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny (Austin Film Festival ’06)


The reviews on this will probably be a mix of A’s and F’s. It’s either love or hate for the D, and movie-goers won’t be able to know which side they’re on until they pay their ten bucks for a seat.