Year in Review: 12 Great (and 6 Terrible) American Films You Didn’t Bother Seeing in 2012

The movies listed here aren’t necessarily the year’s best, but they’re still great movies that never found an audience during their theatrical run for one reason or another. At least one of those reasons is you, but instead of berating you for failing to support the films while they were in theaters and needed your help, we’re hoping to point you in their direction now. (Which reminds me… go see Jack Reacher!)

But first, a few qualifications. I’ve excluded movies that played in fewer than 100 theaters since that’s the distributor’s fault. I’m not featuring films that made over $30m, and I’m not including subtitled foreign releases which the masses avoid by default. These are only films that had a real chance of making a lot more money, so while I wish more people saw the LCD Soundsystem concert doc Shut Up and Play the Hits, I’m not surprised that it only made $510k.

So here are 12 great movies that failed at the box office but deserved much better (and should be sought out immediately on Blu-ray/DVD, streaming, whatever)… and 6 terrible flicks that you were right to avoid.

Arbitrage ($7.901m)

Watch the trailer

Celeste and Jesse Forever ($3.095m)

Watch the trailer

Cloud Atlas ($26.682m)

Watch the trailer

Dredd ($13.415m)

Watch the trailer

Friends with Kids ($7.251m)

Watch the trailer

Goon ($4.169m)

Watch the trailerOr Watch the Movie

The Perks of Being a Wallflower ($17.312m)

Watch the trailer

Safety Not Guaranteed ($4.010m)

Watch the trailer

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World ($7.079m)

Watch the trailer

Seven Psychopaths ($15.024m)

Watch the Trailer

Sleepwalk with Me ($2.266m)

Watch Joss Whedon Suggest You Boycott It

Your Sister’s Sister ($1.597m)

Watch the trailer

Go find the films above as soon as possible to make things right again, but in the mean time pat yourself on the back for skipping these turkeys:

Alex Cross ($25.864m), The Apparition ($4.937m), Gone ($11.682m), One For the Money ($26.415m), The Raven ($16.008m), The Words ($11.495m)

And here are a few more amazing (limited release) movies from 2012 you might have missed…

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.