Year in Review: The Best Movie Posters of 2012

This is the kind of Year in Review article that could get out of hand. Long-winded explanation of the intricacies of studio marketing and boutique-driven movie art prints. But lets be honest with ourselves, if you’re reading this article, you are here to see the posters and ‐ if we’re lucky ‐ have a lively discussion in the comments about the choices, the order and the ones I’ve “missed” on the list. That’s the fun part of all this list-making, it’s an ongoing discussion of the best and worst that happened over the past year.

For the Best Movie Posters of 2012, we’re keeping it simple. Two categories: posters for the films released in 2012, and a group of alternates, art prints, Mondo releases and one-sheets for upcoming films. Within these two categories, we’ve selected the 12 best releases of the year. Feel free to discuss our choices and share your own picks in the comments.

Studio Posters of 2012

12. Dredd

Dark and gritty, somewhat ominous. A great way to bring Judgment back.

11. Looper

The dichotomy of a man’s future and past. A colorful look at Rian Johnson’s brilliant sci-fi original.

10. It’s a Disaster

A great suggestion from fellow critic William B. Goss. For a talkative indie comedy, this poster really draws you in. Luckily, it’s to a very fun movie.

9. Ted

An unexpected joy from the creator of Family Guy. The promise of this poster was fulfilled in spades.

8. The Master

Is the bottle half full or half empty? Thematically, we may never know.

7. Lincoln

An elegant look at an immersive performance.

6. Sound of My Voice

This makes more sense for those who have seen the movie. And for those who get it, it’s great.

5. Argo

Colorful, bearded.

4. Django Unchained

It doesn’t even need a title.

3. The Cabin in the Woods

Can you solve the puzzle?

2. Zero Dark Thirty


1. The Dark Knight Rises

An intense promise of maximum breakage.

On the next page, we take a look at the best Art Prints and Special Editions…

Art Prints, Special Editions and Future Releases

12. John Carter (Mondo, JC Richard)

Back when it still had the of Mars logo…

11. Shaun of the Dead (Mondo, Jock)

It’s got a bit of red on it.

10. Captain America (Mondo, Phantom City Creative)

A towering hero.

9. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Mondo, Ken Taylor)

The detail beneath the ocean is immense.

8. The Wolverine

Someone took a badass watercolor class.

7. The Iron Giant (Mondo, Mike Mitchell)


6. The Raid (Mondo, Jock)

On the web, this might not look like it has a great deal of detail. But in person, it’s a rich, gorgeous print.

5. Back to the Future Trilogy (Mondo, Phantom City Creative)

An epic three-part poster for an epic three-part trilogy.

4. Looper (Mondo, Martin Ansin)

Rian Johnson’s film inspired so much great art that it made the list twice.

3. Brazil (Mondo, Martin Ansin)

As vibrant as they come.

2. Reservoir Dogs (Mondo, Tyler Stout)

A bloody mess of brilliance.

1. Bride of Frankenstein (Mondo, Kevin Tong)

Simply gorgeous.

Neil Miller: Neil Miller is the persistently-bearded Publisher of Film School Rejects, Nonfics, and One Perfect Shot. He's also the Executive Producer of the One Perfect Shot TV show (currently streaming on HBO Max) and the co-host of Trial By Content on The Ringer Podcast Network. He can be found on Twitter here: @rejects (He/Him)