
Hey Austinites: Kevin Reynolds Brings ‘Fandango’ Back Home on Wednesday


Need something to do Wednesday night? Of course you do. If you live in Austin, we’ve got you covered. If you live anywhere else, you’re sadly on your own. Start taking night classes or something.

Old Ass Movies Special: Gone With the Wind


In honor of Mother’s Day, I shine a spotlight on my mother’s favorite movie of all time, and let her explain why she loves it. Am I the best son in the world? Probably.

Lesson Learned: Don’t Expect Perfection from Superhero Films


X-Men Origins: Wolverine clawed its way to an outstanding opening weekend, proving that fans love the X-Men franchise, and that it’s best to lower our expectations for comic book films.

Start a Cinematic Revolution with ‘Battleship Potemkin’


It may be the case that the movie is influential only because it was one of the early ones to the party, but more than that, it’s influential because a talented creative mind had the foresight to see what could be done with moving pictures and to did it.

Why Newspaper Critics are Apologizing for ‘State of Play’


For all intents and purposes, this film is getting a lot of positive reviews that, upon reading, aren’t really positive at all. Why would a film that champions newspaper reporting get such praise from newspaper-based critics?

Star Trek Quinto Pine

Star Trek Makes Surprise World Premiere in Austin and We Were There


Star Trek fans in Austin were treated to a surprise screening of J.J. Abrams’ new Trek reboot. And of course we were there to see it all go down. Now that we’ve had a chance to calm down, we’re ready to bring you our first spoiler-free review of the film. Just make sure to clean up your mess when you’re done reading.

A Treasure Trove of Brooding ‘True Blood’ Season 2 Sneak Pics


From the look of ten new preview images, it looks like the next season explores more implications of a world with vampires and the depths of how dramatic an actor’s face can look.

Why Bruno’s NC-17 and Corporate Censorship Don’t Matter


There’s one major reason why none of that matters, and I promise I eventually get to it at some point during my rambling, nonsensical rant.

A Quick Note About Site Down Time


Remember all of those database and wacky 404 errors you got yesterday while trying to visit the site? They weren’t an early April Fool’s Joke. But it does make you wonder what we’ll pull for Wednesday huh?