Ryan Gosling, Terrence Malick, Nicolas Winding Refn, Women and ‘Logan’s Run’ — What More Do You…

Ryan Gosling, Terrence Malick, Nicolas Winding Refn, Women and ‘Logan’s Run’ – What More Do You Need?

Tonight during a hilarious Q & A with Nicolas Winding Refn’s for his near-perfect film Drive – yes, it’s about as a perfect as a movie can get – the rising auteur dropped two interesting stories. For one, apparently Ryan Gosling will soon be working with Terrence Malick. Refn briefly mentioned that Gosling may do the project after he’s done with Only God Forgives, and before Logan’s Run. Obviously, this news means we’ll be getting the remake a little later than expected.

Fortunately enough, Refn has another project to keep himself busy during that time.

Currently Drive is earning much deserved acclaim, so it’s likely plenty of offers are being thrown the dynamic filmmaker’s way. With his Hollywood stock on the rise, the big question is: What will Refn make after he’s finished Only God Forgives? As one would expect from the director, a film about women. While discussing his feminine side, Refn mentioned he will be collaborating with Carey Mulligan on another project, and that it’ll probably happen after Only God Forgives. The more Refn works, the better.

Side Note: If you can believe such a thing, Drive works even better the second time around. One would be on a fool’s mission to find a legitimate flaw with the film. Make sure to see the filmmaker’s dark, samurai love story on September 16th.

Jack Giroux: Longtime FSR contributor Jack Giroux likes movies. He thinks they're swell.