Neil Miller

Neil Miller is the persistently-bearded Publisher of Film School Rejects, Nonfics, and One Perfect Shot. He's also the Executive Producer of the One Perfect Shot TV show (currently streaming on HBO Max) and the co-host of Trial By Content on The Ringer Podcast Network. He can be found on Twitter here: @rejects (He/Him)

28 Weeks Later… isn’t Perfect, but it is Intensely Scary

By Neil Miller 

Juan Carlos Fresnadillo may not be Danny Boyle. As well, his film 28 Weeks Later may not be to horror fans what Boyle’s 28 Days Later was, but it will sure scare us just as well…

Spider-Man 3

By Neil Miller 

“With great power comes great responsibility.” That was the tagline for the first Spider-Man film all the way back in 2002. That film, with its cinematic realization of one of the most popular comic book heroes ever recorded, created what has become one of the most successful movie franchises in the history of film. Director Sam Raimi and the folks at Columbia pictures have built a behemoth of a series so powerful that no matter what sort of movie they make, people will come out to see it. That is great power. Power to rule over the millions of moviegoers, to take there hard earned cash on sheer size and spectacle alone. But with that great power also comes a responsibility, a responsibility to stay true to what has brought the Spider-Man franchise to its current position, sitting atop the highest perch of the cinematic world. And what have they done with such great power? Sadly, they have created what could be the more frustrating and disappointing cinematic experience to come out of Hollywood in the last decade.

Will The Dark Knight be the Most Spied Production Ever?

By Neil Miller 

It has already begun. On April 13, SuperHeroHype began reporting on the fact that Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film The Dark Knight, the follow-up to 2005’s Batman Begins, was to begin filming in Chicago. Since then the internet has been a buzz with TDK here, TDK there and rumors flying everywhere.

The Condemned

By Neil Miller 

There is something inherently humorous about movies that come from a production company that is the brain-child of the guy who brought us World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). But to his credit, Vince McMahon has made a science out of pleasing the easily entertained mass populous of America, so why not do it with films? In the last few years this brand of entertainment has delivered such jaw dropping action classics as See No Evil and The Marine. I mean, how can you possibly top those two flicks?

Air Guitar Nation

By Neil Miller 

We’ve all had a moment when we’ve been “hooked on a feeling,” shredding away on our own invisible guitar to an old Led Zeppelin track. The complete and utter freedom accompanied by doing something completely uninhibited. And whether it is dancing naked, singing in the shower and yes, even playing the air guitar; it is always an unbelievably uplifting feeling to let the music grab you and move you in ways that you wouldn’t normally move in front of others. But what if you could do that sort of thing in public? What if you could immerse yourself in a persona that is nothing short of insane and achieve rock star status? If you can see yourself in that world, then you are a prime candidate for the US Air Guitar Championships, the driving force behind the ferociously entertaining documentary Air Guitar Nation.


By Neil Miller 

Sir Anthony Hopkins is one hell of an actor. He scared the dickens out of people as Hannibal Lecter, he was on an epic scale in Titus and most recently he delighted us as a sweet old loon in The World’s Fastest Indian. he is quite possibly one of the greatest actors of the most recent generations. Thus, he should have a clause in his contract that states that his talents are not to be misused in any way; then at least schlock like Fracture wouldn’t even get made.

Review: Hot Fuzz

By Neil Miller 

“From the guys who watched every action movie ever made, and brought you Shaun of the Dead.” That tagline alone is enough to get the cult-like audience who swarmed Shaun of the Dead into a frenzy. In 2004, British director Edgar Wright bursted onto the American scene with his zombie horror spoof, coming out of nowhere and establishing himself as one hell of a comedic presence in Hollywood. This weekend he will attempt to fight off the sophomore slump with his second comedic feature, buddy cop satire Hot Fuzz.


By Neil Miller 

You’ve got to cut Shia LaBeouf a little hit of slack. Yes, he has been in some pretty bad roles (Charlie’s Angels 2, Dumb and Dumberer, etc) where he has placated the former Disney channel star clich©. But he does work hard and every once in a while he comes across a role that makes you go, “Whoa! Is this the same kid that I saw in Holes?” In Disturbia, LaBeouf plays Kale, a once well-behaved young man who turns into a deviant after the tragic death of his father. This deviance leads him to punching his high school Spanish teacher and getting house arrest for the entire summer.

Perfect Stranger

By Neil Miller 

The profession of acting is very much like the profession of exotic dancing. For one, in order to make a fair amount of money, you have to work hard and work your way up the ladder (or pole.) Additionally, you have to take the good gigs with the bad and everything in between. Halle Berry’s career as an actress is a perfect example of the latter. For every Monster’s Ball there has been a Catwoman, and there have been plenty of those “in between” gigs that pays the bills. And while some of us are publicly waiting for another Monster’s Ball and secretly yearning for another Catwoman, we do get to watch her strut her stuff in Perfect Stranger; easily one of those in-betweeners.