Neil Miller

Neil Miller is the persistently-bearded Publisher of Film School Rejects, Nonfics, and One Perfect Shot. He's also the Executive Producer of the One Perfect Shot TV show (currently streaming on HBO Max) and the co-host of Trial By Content on The Ringer Podcast Network. He can be found on Twitter here: @rejects (He/Him)


By Neil Miller 

I have a new theory: every movie should begin with a scene involving a scantily clad Rose McGowan and a stripper pole. That would really take the sting off of films like Norbit. Where did this theory come from, you may ask? It came from the fact that I just got back from screening Grindhouse, the homage to 70s and 80s exploitation flicks co-directed by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. Just think about this concept; two directors with very loyal fanbases making a three hour long double feature packed full of blood, boobs and bad dialog. What about that doesn’t sound like fun?

Meet the Robinsons

By Neil Miller 

The Lookout

By Neil Miller 

In The Lookout, Joseph Gordon-Levitt continues his trend of breaking away from being that kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun moving towards being a serious dramatic presence on the silver screen. It is a trend that really began back in 2004 with his stunning performance in Mysterious Skin and continued quite nicely in 2005 with Rian Johnson’s indie sensation, Brick. Levitt is quickly establishing himself as an actor with serious range and a keen eye for great roles in smaller films.

Blades of Glory

By Neil Miller 

Somewhere it is happening. It is most likely occurring on a college campus somewhere and it involves that guy that we all know. Somewhere that guy is walking up to some random girl and spouting, “I don’t know how to put this but I’m kind of a big deal. People know me. I’m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.” Why do I know this is happening? Because that is the power of a great Will Ferrell comedy, it stays with you long after you leave the theater. It stays with some longer than others, but the one liners always stick. And as much of a fan as I have been of these movies (Anchorman, Talladega Nights, Elf, etc.) I have always been wondering when Will Ferrell is going to cross the line and go from dumb funny to just plain dumb. I had thought Blades of Glory would be it, but as Ron Burgundy would say “You are sadly mistaken, my friend.”


By Neil Miller 

ShooterThere are a few things that you always need to have if you are going to make a decent American vigilante action movie. You must have a hero, filled to the brim with idealism and armed with a degree in kickin’ ass and taking names. You must also have at least one hot leading lady, and you earn bonus points for tastefully putting her in position to be half naked through most of the film. And finally, without question there must exist plenty of gunfights and explosions to keep the audiences entertained in between the afore mentioned partial nudity. These three elements never fail to give Average Joe Moviegoer his money’s worth.

I Think I Love My Wife

By Neil Miller 


By Neil Miller 


By Neil Miller 

Full of It

By Neil Miller