A Possibly Retiring Thomas Jane Adds Nick Nolte and Jeremy Irons to His ‘A Magnificent Death From a…

A Possibly Retiring Thomas Jane Adds Nick Nolte and Jeremy Irons to His ‘A Magnificent Death From a Shattered Hand’

Thomas Jane’s directorial debut, Dark Country was a promising introduction for Jane as a director, and now three years later, he’s got another directorial feature in the works: a western. Jane described his upcoming film – which is nicely titled A Magnificent Death From a Shattered Hand — as “a classic Western with all the stuff I like it.” Based on what he seems to like, that probably involves men acting like real men.

A few months ago Jane mentioned his plans for a possible 3D Western, and when we asked for an update on the project, he said it’ll probably shoot this year, with Nick Nolte involved as well, “I wrote a Western, and I wrote it for Nick Nolte. I sent it to Nick Nolte, and he loved it. I’m hoping to shoot that sucker this year. If it doesn’t happen this year, well, it’s going to happen.” Not only does Jane have Nolte in the cast, but also Jeremy Irons, “I got Jeremy Irons to come in and do a little part. I’m out to a couple of other actors, but I can’t tell you who they are yet.” Jane has already pulled together seven and a half million for the project, but he’s hoping to raise another two and a half, so he can “put this bitch together.”

When Jane began talking about his love for writing and directing, he stated that as being where his future’s going, with even the possibility of leaving acting behind, “I’m going to direct it and play a role in the film, and that’s where I’m heading into the next phase of my career. I’m not even sure if I’m going to continue with the acting thing too much longer. I guess my spirit’s been moving into the direction of creating my own stuff for a number of years now, with RAW Studios, writing, and creating my own comic books.” Later on Jane elaborated, saying, “They just don’t make the movies I’d be good in.”

We’ll have more of Jane’s thoughts on A Magnificent Death from a Shattered Hand, the future of RAW Studios, and directing in the coming days. For now, if you’re around Comic-Con this weekend, make sure to stop by RAW Studio’s panel this weekend. Jane being a pretty entertaining guy aside, they got a good amount of material in store for this year: the unveiling of a new Punisher skull created by Tim Bradstreet, showing off some plans for A Magnificent Death From a Shattered Hand, and the debut of a short film starring Ron Perlman and Jane himself. Regarding the short film, Jane said if you’re a fan of manly material, “you won’t want to miss it.”

RAW studios panel is on Saturday night at 7:30PM in room 26AB.

Jack Giroux: Longtime FSR contributor Jack Giroux likes movies. He thinks they're swell.