Zack Snyder Wants To ‘Sucker Punch’ A Mormon

Which we suppose is better than wanting to donkey punch a Scientologist.

Which I suppose is better than wanting to donkey punch a Scientologist.

Zack Snyder is doing press for Watchmen, his independent drama about gay voyeurs, and has started talking about his next film.  Sucker Punch was first announced in 2007 with the irresistible tag-line “Alice In Wonderland with machine guns,” and the plot was described as taking place in a mental institution in the 1950’s.  A young girl is committed by her evil stepfather with instructions to have her lobotomized in five days, but the girl retreats into her own imagination and plans her escape.  Co-written by Snyder and Steve Shibuya (production assistant on the awesome Killer Klowns From Outer Space!!), the movie finds our heroine joining forces with four other girls in an ultra-violent world filled with dragons, B-52 bombers, and brothels.

Which brings us to the Mormon…

Snyder recently spoke with IESB and revealed his choice for the female lead is Amanda Seyfried, best known as the pregnant Mormon on HBO’s “True Love” and the dancing queen in Mamma Mia.  He’s apparently trying to lock her in now, but “she’s got some other obligations and we’re just trying to figure that out.”  While Seyfried would be the lead, she’d also be only one of many girls as the film is reportedly an all-female counterpart to Snyder’s own 300… but even more violent?

We’re just trying to make these action sequences just out of this – just off the frickin’ scale, planet. Cause I really feel like I’ve never really had the opportunity to make an action movie you know, I mean 300 is action-y but not like I could be, you know, with no rules and machine guns and just everything. I feel like there’s huge potential there that I haven’t really gotten to explore, so that’s kind of what I am excited about.”

My only concern for Sucker Punch would be that it has the potential to end up as empty and cartoonish as Shoot ‘Em Up, but since the film isn’t rumored to be released until March 2011 I won’t be losing sleep over it any time soon.  Besides, hot chicks running around with machine guns automatically get a pass from me.  Snyder will be heading to Canada this June with filming scheduled to start shortly thereafter.

Is it too soon to start looking forward to Snyder’s next movie?

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.