Will Tim Robbins Join Hawkeye And Black Widow In Iron Man 2?

Now that everyone has had time to calm down over the casting of Sylvester Stallone as The Riddler in Batman 3, it's time to move on to some fresh rumors for other superhero films. Namely, an important and plausible casting rumor for Iron Man 2.

Now that everyone has had time to calm down over the casting of Sylvester Stallone as The Riddler in Batman 3, it’s time to move on to some fresh rumors for other superhero films.  Namely, an important and plausible casting rumor for Iron Man 2.

Latino Review is reporting that Tim Robbins will be taking over the role of Howard Stark, Tony’s dad, from Gerard Sanders.  The character was only visible briefly in Iron Man, so this shouldn’t be as upsetting to people as the Terrance Howard/Don Cheadle switcheroo was.  According to LR,

Tim Robbins is going to be playing Howard Stark in an important flashback sequence that is going to set up the Avengers and Captain America films.  Jon [Favreau] wanted to get a good actor because he didn’t think the guy who played Howard in the last film could carry such an important scene.”

Robbins is golden in anything he does, so this is good news.  Even more interesting though is what LR’s source said next.  Iron Man 2 will reportedly also feature both Hawkeye and Black Widow… and they won’t be relegated to simple cameos either.  So will Howard Stark be shown creating or contributing to the Super Soldier program that leads to Captain America?  And how will Hawkeye and Black Widow factor in to the plot if they’re more than just walk-on cameos?

What do think about the possible addition of Tim Robbins?  Do you think Hawkeye and Black Widow risk complicating Iron Man 2 too much?

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.