Wild Is The Wind: A History of Farts On Film

But it’s the history of farts, so it’s ok.

Last year, Swiss Army Man proved that farts could move you. Not just laterally across the water on a corpse speedboat, but emotionally. They are one of humanity’s basest bonds: it’s funny to smell bad, make dumb sounds, and do both around those who’d rather not experience either.

But the Hays Code that bottled the flatulent ambitions of filmmakers from the ‘30s to late ‘60s kept this joy from audiences in the name of good, clean, American values. Now that we can all agree that the majority of Americans have no values – clean, good, or otherwise – we may as well embrace our gas-passing overlords and the delightfully equalizing hedonism they bring.

Essayist and flatulist enthusiast Luís Azevedo created a video analyzing the fart’s place in film and the very fact that it exists (narrated by his serious whisper to boot) is a joy.

Jacob Oller: Jacob Oller writes everywhere (Vanity Fair, The Guardian, Playboy, FSR, Paste, etc.) about everything that matters (film, TV, video games, memes, life).