What Did You Watch This Weekend?

Warner Bros.

The Weekend Watch is an open thread where you can share what you’ve recently watched, offer suggestions on movies and TV shows we should check out (or warnings about stuff to avoid) and discover queue-filling goodies from other FSR readers.

The comments section awaits. I’ll get the ball rolling with the movies/TV my eyeballs took in this weekend.

I re-watched two movies this weekend, and my initial thoughts on both were reaffirmed. First up was Edge of Tomorrow, and I still think it’s a fantastically fun ride let down only slightly by its cheat of an ending. Tom Cruise plays so successfully against type and manages some great comedic bits, Emily Blunt delivers a strong, female action lead and the script keeps things constantly engaging and creative. The bit where Cruise rolls under the jeep is gold. It’s boggling and sad to see a film like this fail to catch on with audiences while garbage like the latest Transformers racks up the box office dollars.

My re-watch of Godzilla meanwhile confirmed it’s an okay movie with some fantastic highlights. Of course the third act is loaded with money shots, but the first seventy minutes or so feature multiple instances where the movie cuts away just as the monster action starts to heat up. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t have seen the various fights and scenes of destruction beyond quick glimpses on monitors – the Godzilla vs MUTO fight being cut off behind the subway doors is especially unforgivable – especially when we’re given excessive scenes of the bland human characters.

I don’t watch much in the way of reality shows – the only ones I’ve seen more than one episode of are Survivor and The Amazing Race – but the repetitive nature of Hulu’s ads worked their magic on me and I started watching the new Fox show, Utopia. It’s basically fourteen strangers thrown together for a year to see if they can create a working community without killing each other. The cast is varied, but as is typical the group consists mostly of potential troublemakers and exhibitionists. And yet… I’m hooked. Every problem these folks face are of their own creation thanks to half of them being utter pricks and/or idiots, and while I would never sign on to something like this the situations still leave me wondering how I’d react to their dickish antics.

What did you watch this weekend?

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.