Shot by Shot with the ‘Watchmen’ Trailer

Alan Moore won’t be a fan of HBO’s bold new vision for the sequel series, but the rest of us will be.

Here we see the police rounding up some people, but these cops don’t look like friendly officers of the law. Are they vigilantes? The narration between King and Johnson’s characters reveals that the terrorists assassinated someone the night before, and it appears to have triggered a series of violent events.

Abra then reveals that there’s a man in her trunk, suggesting that she’s someone who gets results by operating outside of standard police protocol sometimes.

This man in the mask is called Looking Glass (Tim Blake Nelson). He’s a mysterious gentleman, but he appears to be an interrogator. The man he’s probing is the terrorist that Abra locked in the trunk of her car, seemingly to deliver him to Looking Glass so that he can ask him a few questions.

Looking Glass is shown in front of screens depicting soldiers, cowboys, and astronauts. These are all American hero archetypes, but the reasoning behind this symbolism and how it pertains to this character remains to be seen.

The terrorists stand in front of a wall that boasts a passage from “Psalm 65.” On top of being Rorschach fanatics, they could also be religious ones. That said, religious symbolism recurs at points throughout the trailer, and it’ll be interesting to see how it connects to the story.

The police funeral is a nice callback to the graphic novel, which featured the funeral of Eddie Blake in the second chapter. In the show, though, the cops are being targeted by their enemies, so police funerals could be commonplace here.

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Kieran Fisher: Kieran is a Contributor to the website you're currently reading. He also loves the movie Varsity Blues.