Ending Explained

Ending Explained is a recurring series in which we explore the finales, secrets, and themes of interesting movies and shows, both new and old. We see it as an opportunity not only to help readers who need assistance unpacking endings but also as a chance to unpack themes and explore how expanded cinematic universes connect.

Here is an assortment of some of our favorite and most popular ending explainers throughout the years:

Explore the Ending Explained archive below

Star Trek Picard Broken Pieces

‘Picard’ Explained: The Mending of Starfleet Begins with “Broken Pieces”


After weeks of wallowing in the failings of Starfleet, the eighth episode acknowledges your disappointment and offers hope in return.

Bloodshot Punch Screenshot

The Ending of ‘Bloodshot’ Explained


Vin Diesel gives his best shot at another franchise, but there is very little room for this narrative to grow.

I Am Not Okay With This

The Ending of ‘I Am Not Okay With This’ Explained


Let’s talk about this mysterious man and try to figure out who he is.

A Distant Echo Star Wars

‘The Clone Wars’ Explained: Sins Remembered in “A Distant Echo”


There’s no hiding from regret for Captain Rex.

Star Trek Picard Impossible Cube

‘Picard’ Explained: “The Impossible Box” Exposes the Fear, Hatred, and Anger of Jean-Luc Picard


Captain Kirk saw the good in his enemy. Now, it’s Jean-Luc’s turn.

The Invisible Man Screenshot

The Ending of ‘The Invisible Man’ Explained


When faced with the doubt of others, faith must come from within.

Stardust City Rag Screenshot

‘Picard’ Explained: Grief Continues to Spread Throughout “Stardust City Rag”


The trauma experienced in the time we spent apart from Jean-Luc cannot possibly be resolved in one season of television.

Sonic The Hedgehog ending

The Ending of ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ Explained


The post-credits tag promise a sequel better than the original.

Picard Absolute Candor

‘Picard’ Explained: Seven of Nine Rescues “Absolute Candor”


A disgraced Jean-Luc Picard requires the love of his crew before we, his fans, will ever forgive him.