‘The Romantics’ Trailer Pits Holmes Against Paquin In Battle To The Death

There’s a chance I may be reading a bit too much into the trailer below…

The Romantics stars Katie Holmes as a young woman who reunites with six college friends the night before two of them are to be married. The bride (Anna Paquin) has been her best friend for years, and the groom (Josh Duhamel) is the man they’ve both loved. Over the course of this final evening relationships will be tested, hidden truths will be revealed, and someone may just be out a big deposit on a reception hall. And if we’re lucky Holmes and Paquin will send fists flying and clothes ripping while fighting in the wet ocean surf.

The film is written and directed by Galt Niederhoffer from her own novel, and it also stars Malin Akerman, Elijah Wood, Adam Brody, and Candice Bergen. We won’t fully understand the casting of Bergen as a thirty-something until we see the film, but the smart money is on a science fiction twist in the third act.

Check after the jump for the new trailer…

Looks fairly harmless and entertaining doesn’t it? Sort of a Big Chill with friends gathering for a wedding instead of a funeral? Admittedly, I’m a big Holmes fan and have been since the first season of Dawson’s Creek, but others in the cast are almost as appealing. Brody, Duhamel, and Wood have all shown themselves to have some solid comedic chops alongside their acting skills, and while I hated Akerman in The Heartbreak Kid she’s normally pretty good. Color me interested and intrigued… even if Holmes and Paquin don’t end up cat-fighting in the water.

The Romantics hits theaters September 10th.

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.