‘The Raven’ Trailer: Edgar Allan Poe Will Send You to Hell

‘The Raven’ Trailer: Edgar Allan Poe Will Send You to Hell

“I will send you to hell!”

You know, I’m not quite sure The Raven is going to be an accurate bio pic of Edgar Allan Poe. The Se7en-esque murder mystery aside, why isn’t Poe acting like a big alcoholic in this portrait of his final days? Where’s the binge drinking? Where’s a mean drunk?

Sadly, an intoxicated John Cusack is nowhere to be found.

Overly nerdy quibbles aside, what is here in the first trailer for The Raven is a rather cool high-concept. Most of the buzz out of Comic-Con dismissed The Raven as another Sherlock Holmes, but that seems like an odd comparison. Tonally, it looks like James McTeigue (director behind the very good V for Vendetta and the not-so-good Ninja Assassin) is reaching for something a little more serious. With that atmospheric cinematography, it’s obvious he’s aiming to capture the dark and gothic feel of Poe’s writings. Despite the cliche trailer beats ‐ which there are more than a few of ‐ a fun thriller could easily be made with this concept and the talent involved. Plus, there’s no way this story will end well for Poe, if you know your history.

Take a glimpse at a far too sober-looking Edgar Allan Poe:

Source: Apple

The Raven opens in theaters on March 9th, 2012.

Update: Actually, according to McTeigue, Poe’s alcoholism will be a part of the film. [STYD]

Jack Giroux: Longtime FSR contributor Jack Giroux likes movies. He thinks they're swell.