‘The Dark Knight Rises’ And The Riddler Falls

Looks like people can stop photo-shopping Tom Hardy into green costumes. Per Hero Complex, Christopher Nolan has confirmed three pieces of information that may be of interest to film fans…

The third Batman film will not feature The Riddler as the main villain. Granted, that doesn’t mean Edward Nigma won’t make an appearance of some sort, but we’ll take Nolan’s word for it because British people don’t lie. But this means means speculation can begin anew as to who the real feature baddie will be? Can’t be Two Face because Harvey Dent is dead. (Deal with it people.) Can’t be The Penguin, Mister Freeze, or Calendar Man because Nolan isn’t an idiot. And it can’t be Catwoman, Poison Ivy, or Harley Quinn because everyone knows women are too weak to be truly threatening. So who will it be? And who will Hardy play?

It will neither be filmed in 3D nor will it be post-converted. Nolan is clearly one of the few Hollywood directors with the weight to tell a studio “no” when it comes to the 3D bandwagon, and it looks like he has done just that. His preference instead will be to focus once again on various high definition and IMAX approaches.

And lastly, the final part of Nolan’s Batman trilogy will be called The Dark Knight Rises. Clearly this means Batman will finally get to become the hero Gotham deserves, needs, and wants. But is a hero to all people truly a hero?

The Dark Knight Rises is set for release on July 20th, 2012.

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.