‘Tell No One’ Gets A US Remake! or Harlan Coben’s Novel Gets Adapted For Americans!

Tell No One is a fast-paced, twist-filled, and highly engaging thriller from American writer Harlan Coben, and like many of his books it seems tailor made for adaptation into an entertaining and suspenseful action film. At least the French thought so, and in 2006 French writer/director Guillaume Canet did just that.

Tell No One, the film, was a huge hit in Europe, won several awards, and even managed a very respectable box-office return (for a foreign language film) here in the US.

So you knew a US remake couldn’t be too far behind…

24 Frames is reporting that Andrew Dominik is currently writing a script for an upcoming US version. Pretty much everyone is reporting this as a remake, but it’s unclear so far if that’s truly the case or if this will actually be an adaptation of Coben’s novel. It’s probably a moot point as Canet’s film stuck very close to the source material, but I’d be interested in hearing more specifics on the deal anyway. If Dominik’s name sounds familiar it means you’re one of the seventy-five people who sat through (and probably enjoyed) The Assassination Of Jesse James By Ben Affleck’s Younger Brother. Most people probably view this as a good thing, but I’m not so sure. As critically lauded as Dominik’s last film is it’s no fast-paced thrill ride.

Tell No One is about a doctor whose wife was abducted and murdered eight years ago. At least that’s what everyone believed… until he starts receiving small hints that she may in fact still be alive. From that moment on he finds himself in race against time to find his lost love before he loses her again forever.

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.