Stellan Skarsgard’s Character From ‘Thor’ May Be Returning To Theaters In Summer 2012

From post-credits appearances by Samuel L. Jackson or Robert Downey Jr. to Clark Gregg’s straight-faced Agent Coulson popping up briefly across multiple films, Marvel characters cross pollinate all the time. This should really come as a no brainer seeing as the Marvel universe is more incestuous than the Partridge Family household, but it appears there’s one more character looking to extend his screen life.

Per the Swedish TT (Tidningarnas Telegrafbyrå, apparently the local version of Reuters), Stellan Skarsgard looks to be reprising his role of Dr. Selvig from this summer’s Thor in next summer’s Joss Whedon epic, The Avengers. The mention in the paper is brief and absent of any real detail and it has yet to be confirmed by the studio or by Marvel, but Swedish people are physically incapable of lying so the odds are this is solid information. The mention is translated below.

“Stellan Skarsgard confirmed to TT Spectra that he will play the same role in the upcoming “Thor”: Doctor Selvig. Not much is yet known about the character beyond that Selvig is a scientist in New Mexico.”

Thanks to Nick ‘Penis Pride’ Kockum for the tip and explanation of the whole ‘TT’ thing!

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.