Spielberg To Tackle 6-Foot Invisible Rabbit with ‘Harvey’

So apparently studios are going back to the source material in order to avoid claiming they are doing a remake. Or at least Steven Spielberg is since it was a similar song and dance with his Oldboy remake adaptation.

According to a sweet press release, Spielberg will be remaking adapting “Harvey,” the award-winning play from Mary Chase that was previously adapted into the film Harvey starring James Stewart (who was nominated for Best Actor for his role) back in 1950. And he’s going back to Fox for the first time since Minority Report to do it.

The story revolves around a man who believes (or claims to believe) that his best friend is an invisible, giant rabbit. The adventure that follows is one of questioning what it really means to be insane – a pretty classic trope for a lot of writing at the time. But Harvey – at least the film version – does it with a great sense of humor and kindness.

There’s no doubt that Spielberg will make a great movie. It’s Spielberg. But my biggest concern, and probably the biggest hurdle of the film will be casting the main role. I realize that most people that see it might not have seen the original, but for those that have, it’ll be impossible to get Stewart’s portrayal out of their minds. It’s going to take an incredible actor or actress to overcome that obstacle.

What do you think?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.