Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, BFFs Forever

Movie Gods Steven Spielberg and George Lucas sat down with Entertainment Weekly and gave one hell of an interview. They laugh together, act like an old married couple and get their hands dirty about making Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Movie Gods Steven Spielberg and George Lucas sat down with Entertainment Weekly and gave one hell of an interview. They laugh together, act like an old married couple and get their hands dirty about making Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

The full text is here.

The best part about the interview is their interaction with each other and the way they approach questions about their films. It’s as if they’re two kids still stuck in a candy shop that magically replenishes its sweet population every night. This attitude, this child-like awe and reverence toward movie-making, resounds through their work. Good news for fans expecting a good show out of Indy IV.

The two bicker back and forth, mostly debating the merits of CGI and more old-fashioned methods of getting things done. Spielberg reveals that he shot all of Crystal Skull on 35mm, which we already knew, but we didn’t realize he cut it on a Moviola – a move that is the height of film-geekery. For that, we’re in a state of child-like awe and reverence to Mr. Spielberg.

Lucas hedges bets by assuming his experiences with the second Star Wars trilogy might creep their way into Crystal Skull by way of fanboy reaction. If the internet is any indication (and it is) then Lucas might be right to shield his face a bit. Plus, it’s not all too cynical to assume that some die-hards will hate the new film simply because it’s being made.

Picture above courtesy of USA Today

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.