
Since our inception, the team here at Film School Rejects has always loved researching, assembling, and endlessly debating in list form. From giant genre-themed lists to prompts with a bit more specificity, list-making is one of our most beloved pastimes. We even have several list-centric recurring columns, such as Beat the Algorithm and Movie DNA. Here are a few of our favorites to get you started:

Timely Lists

The Best of All-Time

One Perfect Shot Collections

Ranking Every Episode

Ranking Filmographies

List Projects and Series

Explore our latest lists below

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10 Toys That Might As Well Get Their Own Film At This Point


Instead of getting irate about all the new, crappy toy adaptations coming down the pipe, let’s celebrate a few toys that could be made into equally crappy adaptations!

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420 Movie Characters That Should Smoke a Bowl


In honor of no special holiday in particular, we take a look at a few film characters that need to dance with Mary Jane. I change my name to Dr. Roberts for the day in order to diagnose a few crazed characters and prescribe something good for what ails them.