Second ‘Men in Black 3’ Trailer: First, We Gotta Get High

A funny thing happened when I watched this second trailer for Men in Black III ‐ I realized that I couldn’t remember a damn thing about the second film, which is funny, because that film deals with Tommy Lee Jones’ Agent K losing his memory (get it?). I remember Men in Black with nothing but affection, but MIB2? That’s a blank page in my memory book, so it’s good news all-around that this trailer made me chuckle and look forward to the third film (inevitably in 3D).

Men in Black III goes back (back in time) after some funny space-time stuff goes down and Will Smith’s Agent J gets hit with the news that Agent K is dead ‐ and has been for forty years. Pitching himself back to the 1960s, J attempts to uncover what happened to kill his partner, fight off an alien invasion, and convince the younger K (Josh Brolin, terrifyingly well-cast) that he comes from the future.

We got a look at the film’s first trailer way back in December, but I daresay, this one is a fair bit better:

Men in Black 3 opens on May 25. [Yahoo! Movies]

Kate Erbland: