Ryan Reynolds Brings ‘Buried’ to Fantastic Fest

It’s a beautiful day in the land of movies when a Sundance favorite announces that they’ll be at Fantastic Fest amongst the diaper-wearing ninjas, the drunken monsters from outer space, and the people sewn together mandibles to glutes.

Director Rodrigo Cortes and Ryan Reynolds will be in attendance of the September 23rd screening of Buried, the movie that features him buried alive inside a coffin for what might be the entire run time.

However, if you can’t wait that long to see the film, the Alamo Drafthouse is sponsoring an incredibly unique screening of Buried the weekend before. How can they afford to screen it before the big Austin premiere? Because they’ll only be screening it for four people. And those four people will be buried while seeing it.

In what they’re calling a Rolling Roadshow of One, the Alamo has promised to give the claustrophobic experience of seeing the film while buried alive to a few lucky volunteers. I think I’ll stick to watching Jaws on the water.

Since I’ll be in attendance, and since I’m not a complete spoil-sport, I pledge to bury myself in a bucket o’ Schlitz before, during and after the screening. In fact, the entire FSR team might stay buried for the duration of Fantastic Fest this year. It’s the easiest way to get over your pesky fear of small spaces.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.