Rumor: The Hulk is Going to Become a Bad Guy For Marvel

After conquering the summer, millions of people want to know what Marvel has planned for its next phase and how they’ll manage to pull it off. Iron Man 3 is coming this year alongside Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier hits in 2014, so we’re firmly set for broody post-Avengers insight. Plus, Ant-Man still looms alongside Guardians of the Galaxy and a host of other conceptual character projects – so the comic book brand is looking ahead to its next crop of heroes.

But where does that leave The Hulk?

That’s the question El Mayimbe was asking over at Latino Review, but instead of talking to himself, he set out to find some answers (which could prove incredibly spoilery). According to his inside source, Marvel isn’t just interested in another attempt at a stand-alone Hulk movie; they’re intent on building their next universes around the character.

Which requires him going bad. El Mayimbe lays it out in a video, but the basic information goes something like this:

  • Mark Ruffalo signed a 6-picture deal with Marvel with an eye to starring without the rest of the Avengers
  • At the end of Avengers 2, the plan is to send The Hulk into outer space via The Illuminati based on how dangerous he is
  • Which means he probably does something really dangerous/destructive
  • Hulk’s stand-alone movie will take place in space on Planet Hulk where he becomes a warrior king
  • And then he returns to Earth in Avengers 3 to take revenge as the big bad

Of course, this pill shouldn’t be swallowed whole (and a lot can happen in a few years of development time), but if it’s true, and if Marvel is able to pull it off, it would be an incredibly gutsy place to take the character – especially one who failed to gain traction after two films. Granted, he was a standout in Avengers, but his contribution was as awesome comic relief. It’s not a guarantee that his ability to slam someone on the ground like a ragdoll for a few moments will translate into sole story success.

Plus, if the Illuminati are going to appear, Marvel would definitely have to iron out some rights issues with Fox or make the team without Professor X, Beast or Mr. Fantastic.

(Speaking of which, how incredibly, unbelievably huge would it be if both studios could hammer out a deal and combine forces?)

The other big question is where this leaves the Incredible Hulk TV show from Guillermo del Toro that’s set up over at ABC. Is it possible they’d go forward with the show to build up the fanbase then have del Toro direct the stand-alone Planet Hulk?

Details aside, it all sounds massive and amazing. It’s refreshing to know that the studio (if this is all accurate) is still keeping on its toes despite the laurels. It would be all too easy to get lazy at this point and milk Iron Man and the gang for all they’re worth while diluting the brand to nothing. You’re welcome for that imagery. It’s why they put nipples on the Batsuit.

I have no clue how a space opera starring Bruce Banner would play with the general audience, but it would be monumental if Marvel built toward and executed it. After all, if anyone could get away with it, it would be them. Providing, of course, that they don’t waste their good graces with their next wave. Latino Review has a solid track record of uncovering Marvel’s intentions, so if this latest scoop is truly what the studio has planned, it could be excellent.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.