Ron Burgundy Releasing Leather-Bound Book to Keep in Your Apartment Smelling of Rich Mahogany

Okay, it’s probably paperback, but if the marketing team behind Anchorman: The Legend Continues is smart, they’ll make this vision happen. As part of the viral (written?) campaign for the long-awaited sequel to 2004’s Anchorman, Random House’s Crown Archetype will be teaming up with the legendary broadcaster from the Action 4 News Team to release a memoir entitled Let Me Off at the Top!: My Classy Life and Other Musings.

The memoir promises never-before told details about Ron Burgundy’s (Will Ferrell) personal life, childhood, and meteoric rise to fame as one of the most successful and talented anchormen to ever sit behind a desk and bring you the damn news. And since it’s Burgundy doing the writing, it’s pretty much guaranteed that he won’t skip any of the juicy details when talking about the ladies, either.

It’s a bit of a strange move to release a book to promote a films; it’s not something you see much these days outside of kids’ movies, but it’s almost weird enough to work. I’m at least a little curious to see what Burgundy’s childhood was like, or how he became a jazz flute master.

Anchorman: The Legend Continues follows Burgundy and the rest of the Action 4 News Team, this time in the 1980s’, as they move to New York City to helm a 24–7 news channel called GNN. For a look at the gang’s funky 80’s fashion, check out some stills from the film here, and the full trailer here.

Let Me Off at the Top!: My Classy Life and Other Musings is available in stores and for digital download on November 19th. Anchorman: The Legend Continues is in theaters December 20th.

Samantha Wilson: