Required Reading: The World Narrowly Averted Johnny Depp and Nic Cage Swapping Faces

by Agent Bedhead

Paramount Pictures

The best movie culture writing from inside the Internet’s finest brainpans.

24 Things We Learned From The ‘Face/Off’ Commentary – Did you know that Johnny Depp, Alec Baldwin, and Bruce Willis were at one point attached to this? Cage and Depp? I’d say the world couldn’t handle that much crazy, but the final product had Cage and Travolta, so what do I know?

The 5 Greatest Reactions to Being Body Swapped in Movie History – Neil Miller, the publisher of Pajiba, is doing what he’s best known for: Masterful GIF work.

‘Mulholland Drive’ as the Ultimate Body Swap Movie— Not a lot of people think of David Lynch’s film as a body swap movie, but Pajiba’ Managing Editor Scott Beggs makes the case that it may very well be the best one in the genre.

What was the deal with the idealized version of adults in body-swap movies? Allison Loring ponders why the older versions of kids in body-change movies were never union workers with unpaid credit card bills and their own children to take care of.

10 Body Swap Movies That Aren’t Actually Body Swap Movies – Rob Hunter wonders why pop culture writers continue to insist that certain movies be categorized as body-swap movies despite the fact that NO BODIES ARE EXCHANGED.

How to Avoid Swapping Bodies (According to Movies). Think it won’t happen to you? Think again. Body swaps are a serious problem. Here’s how to avoid inadvertently switching your body with someone else.

Body Swapping Popularity in The ’80s: Diagnosing an Aberrant Phenomenon – Landon Palmer over on Pajiba asserts that it had everything to do with the way that teenagers finally gained their own demographic identity in the 1980s.

Questions left unanswered by body swap movies. There have been countless body swap movies, and yet despite them all, several crucial questions have been left unanswered, namely whether it is considered cheating if you sleep with someone in someone else’s body? Christopher Campbell at Pajiba scratches his head.

Will Modern Technology Render Body Swap Movies Pointless? Kate Erbland at Pajiba asks if the body swap movie will survive in the era of social media.

Forgotten Movies From Famous People: ‘A Saintly Switch’ – Wow. You don’t get much lower than Oscar-nominated director Peter Bogdanovich filing for bankruptcy and directing a safe ABC Disney movie.

Who Would You Be When You’re Not Being John Malkovich? It’s one of the most important questions of our lifetime. If you could jump into anyone’s brain-space, who would it be?

This week’s Junkfood Cinema is open over on Pajiba. This week? They tackle, uh, body swap movies.

Agent Bedhead writes Required Reading daily for Film School Rejects.

Happy April Fools’ Day, Everybody.

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