Required Reading: Saying Goodbye to Maximilian Schell and Philip Seymour Hoffman

The best movie culture writing from around the internet-o-sphere.

There will be a quiz later. Just leave a tab open for us, will ya?

“Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Final Secret” – Tom Junod at Esquire pens a love letter to a man unafraid to be uncool. The piece is either offensive or insightful, but since it’s Esquire, it’s probably going for both.

“Quint says goodbye to Maximilian Schell” – A celebration at Aint It Cool for an Oscar winner who kept a colorful career rolling for seven decades.

“Philip Seymour Hoffman, Actor of Depth, Dies at 46” – Bruce Weber at The New York Times explores that depth.

“Community vs Big Bang Theory vs SFF: A Dialectical Approach” – Datepalm at io9 severely overthinks two geek shows to delightful effect.

“Surely They Can’t Be Serious?” – Matt Patches at Grantland scores a rare interview with two filmmakers who make terrible movies but don’t care what you think of them.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.