Required Reading: Cutting ‘Guardians’ and the Last Great Movie Death

By  · Published on July 30th, 2014

Walt Disney Studios

The best movie culture writing from around the internet-o-sphere.

There will be a quiz later. Just leave a tab open for us, will ya?

“James Gunn on Directing Guardians of the Galaxy (And Cutting His Favorite Part)” – Kyle Buchanan at Vulture speaks with the man behind Slither about the challenges of going wild within the Marvel universe.

“Listen, we live in an era where we’re so afraid of emotion and showing that we care about things. It’s so cool to be cynical, but at the end of the day,Guardians is about emotions and caring. That aspect of the film is actually more important than all the humor. It’s a movie about aliens, but it’s an extremely human movie, and I think both the humor and the emotion come from the exact same place because it’s based in character and relationships.”

“How Nicole Perlman Became the First Woman to Write a Marvel Movie” – At Time, Lily Rothman spotlights a space nerd who broke more barriers than one.

“Quotes of the Day: Zoe Saldana on Hollywood Sexism and Ageism” – Inkoo Kang at Women and Hollywood gathers some moments of Saldana kicking cultural ass.

“The Expendables 3 Torrent and the Techno-Utopian Delusion” – Sam Adams at Indiewire absolutely nails the self-serving head trip of a critic who illegally downloaded Stallone kick-punching people and feels he did the movie a favor.

“One Year Later: The Lone Ranger” – Matt Singer at The Dissolve looks at a big budget hiccup to assess its strengths and weaknesses with fresh eyes.

“The Last Great Surprise Movie Death” – Alex Huls at Esquire gloriously overthinks a scene that turns the desperate halftime pep talk trope into B-movie brilliance.

“The Movie That Made Rober De Niro Bankable” – Glenn Kenny at Vulture looks at an artist transforming into a star.

Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.