Pick Your Knight Now: Medieval Times Is Coming to a Theater Near You

While we suspect that we’re not the only people who have always found that eating with our hands, getting drunk off cheap beer in goblets, and screaming bloody murder at total strangers to be the real draw of visiting a Medieval Times “tournament,” it seems like production companies Benderspink and Broken Road are counting on movie audiences to be far less rowdy and drunk when it comes to their newest endeavor. Deadline Hollywood reports that the two companies have paired up for a rights deal to craft a feature film around the glorified dinner show, one that they’re readying to shop around to various studies.

Details on the planned film are hilariously scarce – we don’t know exactly what it will be about (is this thing going to be more Game of Thrones or A Kid in King Arthur’s Court?), who we are going to be cheering for (will there even be six knights?), who will write it, who will direct it, and what kind of casting it will require. Will there even be crowd-based yelling? We’ll just have to sit tight and perhaps visit the actual dinner tournament to sate us (paper crowns included).

Hungry for more details? Yeah, we don’t have them, but here, go look at the Bill of Fare at your closest Medieval Times. Ribs you eat with your hands! Soup without a spoon! Glory!

Kate Erbland: