Peter Berg Wants To Sink Your ‘Battleship’

Quick, name a board game that could be turned into an identifiable and interesting movie. Ready? Okay, Peter Berg won't be making that one. He may be filming Battleship instead.

This is just stupid.

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Peter Berg may be signing on to direct a big screen adaptation of the classic Hasbro board game Battleship.  Jon and Eric Hoeber are writing the script for the “epic naval action adventure” but I honestly don’t see the point.  An action movie filled with large-scale battles could be quite cool, but what exactly is the Battleship connection?  Aside from the iconic line from the commercials (“You sunk my battleship mother-fucker!”) there’s absolutely nothing identifiable to the game that could go into a film.  No plot, no characters… there’s nothing at all.

Berg gets flack for his films but I count myself as a fan thanks in large part to the action and intensity of The Kingdom as well as the action and humor of The Rundown.  I don’t doubt that Berg can make an exciting naval adventure, but again, I just don’t see the point of paying for and marketing it as related to the game.

/Film is also speculating as to potential casting for the film… it seems Twilight star Robert Pattinson was seen leaving Berg’s house last week.  Could they have been playing a late night game of Battleship together?

What do you think about a Battleship movie?

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.