Paramount Wants to Know The Secret of ‘NIMH’

When I was young, about the age that I started tying my shoelaces for myself, I had a ritual of sorts. This ritual in two parts involved me getting sick and then watching The Secret of NIMH on VHS while laying on the floor in front of the television. I’ve probably seen it at least a dozen times and own a copy on DVD now. Essentially, it’s the filmic version of chicken pot pie for me – cinematic comfort food that always makes me feel better.

Talk about a brilliant children’s story. It’s sweet, and funny, and dark, and scary. There’s real danger and a sense of adventure with a supernatural element. It’s really a brilliant book and a brilliant movie.

Which is probably why Paramount is looking to bring Mrs. Frisby and those glowing-eyed rats of NIMH back to the big screen. According to The Hollywood Reporter, director Neil Burger is negotiating to write the script. It’s unclear as to whether he wants to direct, or if Paramount has his name on the short list for the job, but it might be a great fit considering how good The Illusionist was.

It’s also unclear as to what shape the film will take, but considering the fad of the day with children’s movies, there’s a good chance that it will blend live-action with CGI rats. Sadly, because of my intense love for the first movie, I have a feeling that I won’t be able to like this new version nearly as much as the one I grew up. However, it sounds like an interesting project that, with the right personnel behind it, could be a really magical experience.

What do you think?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.