‘Pacific Rim’ Concept Art That’s Worthy of a Museum Wall

By  · Published on February 15th, 2013

As someone whose only experience with legitimate high culture is seeing a bunch of bizarre black and white photography in a pitch black room aided only by a small flashlight (thanks, France!) these new pieces of concept art from Pacific Rim strike me as exactly the kind of thing that an enterprising museum of fine art would do well to acquire. Sure, Banksy will probably just paint over them with a clever message of social relevance, but the time it would spend unmolested would be worth their while.

Head over to Total Film for the hi-res versions of the concept art for Guillermo del Toro’s new movie, and be sure to check out our talk with Charlie Day about playing a scientist for the production.

And seriously, who wouldn’t want these pieces framed and hanging on their wall?

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