New Posters: The Kids Are Buried But All Right

Two new posters were dropped into my inbox this afternoon minutes apart from one another, but they are each pefect examples of two totally different styles.

The first is for the Sundance favorite The Kids Are All Right. It’s a standard poster for a not-so-standard story of two women who meet the sperm donor who made it possible for them to get pregnant. Red states will probably love it.

Click the poster to largify:

The second is for the also-Sundance favorite Buried which features Ryan Reynolds in a coffin for the entire run-time. The concept is a gimmick of course, but it’s a gimmick can has the possibility of rising above the fray and becoming a true tool for the story telling.

As you can see, the marketing team really took the gimmick and applied it right to the poster for an effect that I believe will have people staring at it or at least getting closer to figure out what company is responsible for the black ink shortage.

Also, click to largify:

Who says that minimalism in marketing is dead? Reminds me of the first major ad revolution of the 1960s when all the noise and copy was tossed out in favor for a tiny VW bug and the words “Think Small” plainly written at the bottom of a giant page of nothing. I’m not calling this poster revolutionary, but it’s a damned fine example of clever marketing to get people curious about what that man is doing in the box.

What’s in the box?! What’s in the box!

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.