MTV Picks up Teen Wolf Series; Musicians Surrender

MTV, bane of all things music-related, is set to make its name that much more bafflingly obsolete by ordering up yet another series with no connection to what made the network unique to begin with.

Word at THR’s Live Feed has MTV greenlighting episodes of a Teen Wolfbased series, perhaps playing off the recent spate of vampire/werewolf big screen and television offerings. 1985’s Teen Wolf, starring Michael J. Fox, was a big success that spawned a painful sequel – and the whole angsty teen/werewolf bit pretty much sat in stasis until Twilight: New Moon.

While I certainly do not have high expectations for quality, MTV has made a killing pulling in a demographic that not only accepts bad, but embraces it. With shows like Jersey Shore, 16 and Pregnant, and the increasingly comical Real World series making MTV the number one cable network among 12–34 year olds, I have no reason to expect anything but wild success from the series once it gets rolling.

Dustin Hucks: