Lost: The Final Season: ‘Happily Ever After’ Video Blog and Review

With so many mysteries floating around, we were hoping to get some answers about what the hell is going on with our friends from the island. Then, we turned off “Gilligan’s Island” and caught the latest episode of Lost.

This episode, for my taste, was really flat. There were more references for fans and fewer instances of character development, which is disappointing because of how great Desmond is as a character.

This week, Desmond gets used in a strange electro-magnetic experiment at the hands of Widmore. Meanwhile, in alterno-world, Desmond is the right hand man of Widmore, trying to babysit Charlie, and having his eyes opened to the truth about the reality he’s living in.

This raises more questions and answers one fundamental one: the alternate reality is tied directly to the “real” world. The island world. Charlie, in his drug-induced stupor has seen a glimpse of it and clearly cares little for his own safety in this Matrix-like existence.

The episode does ramp up as soon as we meet Mrs. Widmore and her son Daniel. A great, unexpected turn that satiates fans and actually adds to the story. It also adds some fantastic faux-science to the mix. Science! It’s about diagrams and pulling levers!

Once again, Lost Club has found itself winnowed down to the faithful few as David Gunn and I explore the episode, drink White Russians and jam out to Driveshaft.

You. All. Everybody:

Click here to see more Lost recaps

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.