Look, Here Is The Blueprint for a Giant, Fighting Robot From ‘Pacific Rim’

Pacific Rim Jaeger

Earlier this morning, our own Cole Abaius alerted us to the just-launching viral campaign for Guillermo del Toro‘s Pacific Rim, and while the creative marketing looked to be getting us pumped for something happening in just under two weeks, we haven’t had to wait that long to see a whole new piece of mech from the film. Up top is our first detailed look at one of the fighting robots ‐ “a Jaeger” ‐ from the upcoming film. Not impressed? Perhaps you should look down to the tiny little man standing at this Jaeger’s feet. Yup, that’s your size comparison.

Giant, fighting robots that battle aliens and link up via neural bridge with unexpected hero fighter pilots. I’m sorry, what other movie were you looking forward to next summer?

Pacific Rim opens on July 12, 2013. [Wired, via ComingSoon]

Kate Erbland: