Little Fingers of Death! Win ‘The Aggression Scale’ on Blu-ray!

Remember the first time you watched Home Alone? You probably enjoyed it quite a bit, but still, somewhere deep in the back of your head, you knew it was missing something. That something was most likely extreme violence, bloody murder and a hot older sister.

Lucky for you director Steven Miller and writer Ben Powell thought the very same thing. Their new film, The Aggression Scale, is about a group of thugs who invade a family’s home in search of money and kicks but find an emotionally disturbed boy instead. Owen is prone to violence, knowledgeable in the art of weapon-making and booby traps and very, very angry. He would eat Kevin McCallister for breakfast.

The always wonderful Ray Wise stars as the mobster behind it all, and Dana Ashbrook joins him as his right-hand man and lead enforcer. That’s right…it’s a mini Twin Peaks reunion! Also along for the ride is Derek Mears who should be recognizable to all as the star of Kickpuncher.

Anchor Bay is releasing the movie on May 29th, and they’re giving away two copies of the Blu-ray to help spread the home invasion fun. Keep reading to see how you can win.

The murderous little Owen is just the latest in a long line of cinematic kids who kill. Leave a comment below telling us who your favorite homicidal child from the movies is and what exactly makes them so special. Doesn’t matter if they’re murderers or acting in self-defense, just as long as they’ve taken a life. And no, dolls don’t count. Human children only!

When out-on-bail mob boss Bellavance (Wise) discovers that $500,000 of his money is missing, he sends four hardcore hit men (including Ashbrook and Mears) to send a “loud and messy” message to the suspected thieves’ families. But when the killers invade the Rutledge home, they’ll meet the household’s emotionally disturbed young son Owen (Ryan Hartwig). Owen has a history of violent behavior, knows how to make lethal booby-traps and is about to teach these thugs some deadly lessons in extreme vengeance.

This contest is only open to U.S. residents, and it ends Saturday, May 30th. Be sure your comment (or Disqus profile) includes your email address so we can contact you if you win.

The Aggression Scale hits DVD and Blu-ray on May 29th.

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.