12 Large Monster Friends We Made Along The Way

Do you find yourself up late at night thinking about how cool it would be if Godzilla was your friend? So do we.
Large Monster Friends

3. Drogon (Game of Thrones)

Drogon almost didn’t make it onto this list, but after the series finale of Game of Thrones when he demonstrated a clear understanding of the power of metaphor, he proved that appearances can be deceiving. By burning the Iron Throne to a puddle of magma as an act of resistance against what the throne stands for, it seems he’s a bit more than the killing machine we previously thought. Not simply a way from point A to point B in Westeros and an easy means for slaughtering children, Drogon also appreciates the complexities of symbolism. Consider: enjoying a Terrence Malick film with your new massive, scaly friend, or perhaps admiring works of art at the Met. Drogon has the potential for real intellectual depth, and it only took eight years for the Game of Thrones writers to make that clear.

2. The Monstars (Space Jam)

What better way to kick it with large friends than by shooting some hoops? The Monstars of all large creatures are truly tailor-made to be friends you can hang out with because literally all they do is play basketball and there’s nothing better than playing an honest game of basketball. You don’t need to feel intellectually threatened by them because they’re dumb as bricks, and they only serve one functionality on earth, so you don’t need to worry about asking them to do something else like get dinner or go to a movie. They exist solely to slam dunk (as most people should), and while you might need to make it clear to them that they can’t just go ahead and win every round since you’re strictly human and not a Looney Tune character (so you have even less of a chance than they did), they took their loss in Space Jam with grace so one can’t imagine they wouldn’t be accommodating.

1. The Giant (aka The Fireman) (Twin Peaks)

The Giant is the best large friend, hands down. He’s an otherworldly being who arrives in visions when you least expect it, and his benevolent but vaguely ominous presence is indicative of greater supernatural forces that we cannot even fathom to understand. What more could you want out of someone, regardless of height? He appears to Special Agent Dale Cooper in the series Twin Peaks, as a liaison between our world and the spirit world, and he helps Agent Cooper to solve the murder of high school student Laura Palmer. In Twin Peaks: The Return he returns as a being called The Fireman, whose lore within the Twin Peaks universe is revealed to run much deeper but his existence remains ever-advantageous to humans. A true friend reminds you both of your infinitesimal significance in the world and that forces out of your comprehension play a much larger role than we ever could; and at seven feet tall, keeps you humble as well.

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Brianna Zigler: Brianna Zigler is an entertainment writer with bylines at Polygon, Little White Lies, Thrillist, The Film Stage, Bright Wall/Dark Room, and more. She runs a bi-monthly newsletter called That's Weird. Follow her and her big beautiful brain on Twitter: @justbrizigs.