LA Rejects: Win Free Tickets to Disneyland and Be the First to See the New ‘Pirates’ Trailer

The trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides debuts on December 13th, but we’re giving away a chance to see it before anyone else while luxuriating in the magic of Disneyland. You know, the place where you hassled Goofy as a child and proposed to your girlfriend as a man-child.

If you live in Los Angeles and need a break from the 104th Annual Complete Shut Down of All Production and Life in the City, enter to win, and you might find yourself finally faced with a free chance to apologize to Goofy and to see Johnny Depp stumbling around Captain Jack Sparrow style before the rest of the planet. Cross your fingers, mark your calendars for December 13th, and take a stab at entering.

But how do you enter?

I’m glad I rhetorically made it look like you asked.

First, here’s exactly what you could win:

In addition to being the first to see the new trailer for “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” and ride on the Pirates of the Caribbean theme park attraction, the lucky fans will be treated to a special Pirate after party, plus special commemorative gifts – but not until all of them have sworn to the “Pirate’s Oath” in a ceremony on the bow of the Columbia sailing ship. For added fun, fans who come to the event in pirate costume will have additional opportunities to win special prizing

So essentially, you get into Disneyland before everyone else (at 5:30am on December 13th), you get to ride the ride, you get to see the trailer, and then you get to attend a special party while checking out your goody bag. Not a bad deal, and you also get to take a super cool oath in front of everyone that will most likely not be embarrassing for you at all.

One (1) lucky winner will get two (2) tickets to the event. Entering is about as simple as it gets.

We want to know if you’ve got a little captain in you.

All you have to do to enter is comment below on the most Sparrow-like adventure you’ve ever been on. Did you accidentally drink all the rum at a party and grow a beard in front of everyone? Did you shove yourself into a giant octopus at a sushi bar? Have you ever had a dream that you ran your own chocolate factory but woke up to find yourself on a deserted island buried up to your neck?

We want to know about it.

From there, a winner will be chosen at random to get free entry into the theme park and to see the trailer for On Stranger Tides before it hits the internet.

Release the comments!

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.