Kit Harington’s Everyday Life Is Absolutely a Game of Thrones Spoiler


Since the final moments of season five, Game of Thrones fans have been locked inside a cacophony of speculation and fan theories about whether or not Jon Snow is really dead. The driving force behind a lot of this speculation was the fact that book readers have been piecing together various theories since the release of George R.R. Martin’s A Dance with Dragons book in 2011. It didn’t help that both the GoT producers and actor Kit Harington went on a publicity barrage immediately after the season finale with a solitary message: he’s dead and gone and never coming back.

Most fans aren’t buying it.

Furthermore, fans have now begun to reach for any clue that will explain whether or not Jon Snow is coming back in season 6. Because when it comes to Game of Thrones, fans who read the books are in uncharted waters and the not knowing is torture.

The most popular clues of the offseason thus far all revolve around Kit Harington’s luscious locks of hair. And to be fair, it was Harington’s post-season interview with Entertainment Weekly (who has very likely traded access for the cooperation in the ruse) that started it. After an answer about how Harington might soon be cutting his hair (something that he was rumored to be contractually obligated to avoid while on the show), interviewer James Hibberd left the following note: “[Note: Shortly after this interview was conducted, he cut it.]”

It was here that Kit Harington Hair Watch 2015 was born. And every time the actor steps outside into the public light, his hair will be a topic of discussion for the most fervent Game of Thrones fans. It has been blown up to the extent that there is now backlash, including an article today from Vulture’s Nate Jones. Jones asks, “Are we really going to do this every time Kit Harington steps out in public?”

The answer is yes (and they started it). Because in the absence of Game of Thrones, there is speculation, rumor-mongering and clue hunting in-between the lines of interviews. That can sometimes be just as fun as actually watching the show from week to week.

So yes, Kit Harington’s gorgeous shoulder-length hair making an appearance in the stands at Wimbledon matters:

#HairWatch Jon Snow at Wimbeldon @StormofSpoilers

— Pete Morrison (@ThePeteAwakens) July 2, 2015

And #KitHaringtonHairWatch2015 continues.

For those who also can’t let things go, don’t forget to pick up your “Jon Snow Lives” t-shirts and support the Storm of Spoilers podcast, of which I am a co-host.

Neil Miller: Neil Miller is the persistently-bearded Publisher of Film School Rejects, Nonfics, and One Perfect Shot. He's also the Executive Producer of the One Perfect Shot TV show (currently streaming on HBO Max) and the co-host of Trial By Content on The Ringer Podcast Network. He can be found on Twitter here: @rejects (He/Him)