‘Justice League’ May Arrive in 2015

‘Justice League’ May Arrive in 2015

Development has really been heating up the over that Justice League movie. A few months ago, Gangster Squad writer Will Beall was hired to handle script duties, there was word Warner Bros. was eying Ben Affleck to direct, and then we got a director short list including the Wachowskis, Ruben Fleischer, and, who could forget, Brett Ratner. Today the project became even more real, thanks to a resolved legal dispute.

The Los Angeles Times is reporting the studio is gearing up fast for a 2013 shoot and a 2015 release, which would pit the film up against The Avengers 2. After that, mostly depending on whether the film’s a hit or not, Warners would then follow up the film with a reboot of Batman and solo films following whatever heroes they decide to put in the movie. So if any of you have been holding your breath for a Hawkman movie, then perhaps your big dream may finally come true.

What cleared the way for this tentative plan is Warner Bros. winning a case over that alien in red and blue, Superman. There was some questioning over their rights for the character, but now that the studio has the character post-2013, they can now move forward with Justice League. Smart thinking, because how could how horrible would it be not having The Cold Light of Day star in a Justice League movie?

Jack Giroux: Longtime FSR contributor Jack Giroux likes movies. He thinks they're swell.