Junkfood Cinema: Lone Star State of Mind

Columbia Pictures

Continuing through McGenreHey, Cargill and I further prove the power of Matthew McConaughey by dissecting a movie in which he barely appears, but one in which his character’s presence is felt in every scene: Lone Star.

John Sayles, henceforth known as the patron saint of Junkfood Cinema, writes and directs this southern-fried noir that spans time and operates on so many fascinating levels. One of Cargill’s favorite films, Lone Star is a captivating exploration of myth, especially of the preference of myth over truth, and how Texas is particularly prone to uplift the legend while burying the ugly facts.

Oh, and it’s a film in which Matthew McConaughey plays…Chris Cooper’s father?

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Download Episode #32 Directly

On This Week’s Show:

  • Pre-Ramble [0:00–1:38]
  • The Thunder Rolls [1:39–55:18]
  • Denouement [55:19–57:38]

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Brian Salisbury: Longtime FSR columnist, current host of FSR’s Junkfood Cinema podcast. President of the Austin Film Critics Association.