Junkfood Cinema: Guardians of the Galaxy Quest


Wrapping up our curated series on sci-fi comedies, Cargill and I warp to a seldom trekked sector of the filmic universe. Setting our phasers on geek-out, we expound upon the various merits of the underrated Galaxy Quest. We discuss the movie it almost was, the deeper themes of hero worship and the complex nature of niche fame, and then we issue you, the listener, a very strange homework assignment. Because how can anyone enjoy a podcast that doesn’t involve homework, right? RIGHT?!

By Grabthar’s Hammer…what an episode.

You should follow Brian (@Briguysalisbury), Cargill (@Massawyrm), and the show (@Junkfoodcinema).

Download Episode #22 Directly

On This Week’s Show:

  • Pre-Ramble [0:00–2:06]
  • Quest Love [2:07–45:05]
  • Denouement [45:06–48:10]

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Brian Salisbury: Longtime FSR columnist, current host of FSR’s Junkfood Cinema podcast. President of the Austin Film Critics Association.