Johnny Depp Plans to Retire, Will No Longer Be Paid Millions to Wear Silly Hats

Watching The Lone Ranger crash and burn last month may really haven taken its toll on Johnny Depp.

Or maybe it was something else entirely. Whatever the case, we may soon live in a world where Depp no longer plays quirky characters with even quirkier headgear. We may actually live in a world where Depp no longer plays any characters at all. In an interview with BBC Breakfast, that he may soon depart the world of acting. Depp had this to say:

“At a certain point you start thinking and when you add up the amount of dialogue you say per year, for example, you realize you’ve said written words more than you’ve had a chance to say your own words. You start thinking of that as an insane option for a human being. Are there quieter things I wouldn’t mind doing? Yeah. I wouldn’t say I’m dropping out any second, but I would say it’s probably not too far away.”

This might seem a little early, but bear in mind that the actor has just turned 50 this past June. His characters may have the same eccentricities that Edward Scissorhands did, but Edward Scissorhands is already 23 years old.

If Depp feels it’s time to retire, then good for him – he’s certainly got the money for it, anyway. But before then, the actor still has five movies to take care of – Transcendence, Mortdecai, and Into the Woods, along with sequels to Alice in Wonderland and Pirates of the Caribbean. At that point, I guess we’ll know if Depp’s really serious about this whole retirement thing.

Adam Bellotto: